Don’t worry, the crew at Albert Lea Electric chuckles every time they hear their officially unofficial tag line. And it fits, too. Known for their decades of experience and certifications, Albert Lea Electric’s team of 30 ensures a high level of satisfaction and a “job done right” every single time — with a nice side of humor, too. Which is a big reason why we tapped them for Mortarr’s new headquarters.
Owned by Cal Johnson, Albert Lea Electric provides industrial, commercial, agricultural and residential electrical services. From large-scale industrial projects to expanding businesses and renovations, they provide clients with the services needed to keep things … on.

Cal, what interested Albert Lea Electric in the HQ project?
Cal – We are a local electrical contractor and we do a lot of design-build projects in the area. We have also worked with owners in different phases of their existing facility. This is a historic building and we’re glad to be a part of the restoration.
What is your role on the project?
Cal – A group of us did the design, then I bid the project and since we were awarded it, I have been the project manager.

What’s surprised you most, so far, about the HQ project?
Cal – Working so closely with the owners and the whole design team. Everyone has contributed with their thoughts and ideas to see this project succeed.
What have been the project’s biggest challenges so far?
Cal – Actually, the structure itself. As old as it is and how well it was built back in the day, the way we are having to install our conduits and lighting. We’re using old raceways and finding new ones has been challenging.
What do you love most about what you do?
Cal – Taking a drawing or designing the project and then to see the finished product knowing you were a part of it.
What do you find most inspiring about the work you do?
Cal – Probably just the knowledge I’ve learned over the years from construction, communicating with all of the different people, and the camaraderie we have with all the employees at Albert Lea Electric.
Cal – A lot of research trying to find light fixtures that perform well with the same type of installation ideas from the past. And trying to make other essential items disappear into the background.
So, what are you listening to, reading or watching right now?
Cal – Well typing right now, but I watch a lot of sports.
Cal – Pizza!
Thanks for your time Cal!